Redbeard Creations Redbeard's home on the web

Hello world

Posted on in about

This is my hello world post. While I've been present here and there for quite some time (occasionally tweeting, working on GitHub, etc.), I've not had a true presence of my own. My goal is for this blog to be that presence.

So...what will I put here? Probably posts about programming (I'm currently actively using PHP and JavaScript, along with other web technologies such as HTML and CSS). Maybe posts about technology. Possibly posts about music (I'm learning to play the hammered dulcimer, for instance). And rarely about my family, as I like to keep that a bit more private.

And when will I post? How often? My goal is to post at least once every two weeks, with once or twice a week ideal. Will I manage that? Who knows? I'm notoriously bad at keeping up on such things. But I am hopeful.

In the meantime, read about me and maybe check out my GitHub page or my deviantArt page.

And check back again soon :)