Redbeard Creations Redbeard's home on the web

What this site is missing

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So this site has been up officially for just shy of a month. It has, of course, gotten virtually no traffic of note. I've been hit by the Google bot1 and myself several times, and probably a few other minor things. But that's about it. That's ok, though. This site is more for me to have a place to put down thoughts than a traffic generator ;) But I'm going to fuss over it for quite a while, until I'm completely happy about it. So this page will be a sort of placeholder for what needs to be done still (besides writing meaningful articles).

  1. The site shows up on Google if you search for redbeard php world. YAY! 

php[world] 2015 - 07. Going home

Posted on in phpworld

The return trip from php[world] 2015 was worse than the trip there. During the final keynote I got a message from the airline that my flight (which wasn't supposed to leave until 7:30) was delayed by 40 minutes. That wouldn't be a big deal, but I had a connecting flight that was supposed to leave just 10 minutes after the first flight was now expected to land. I was going to see what I could do about it after lunch.

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php[world] 2015 - 06. Conference Day 3

Posted on in phpworld, programming

Here I am finally summarizing my last day at php[world] 2015. It's only been 17 days since it happened. Given how often I've blogged in the past, I guess that's not too bad.

Anyway, on to the summaries for Conference Day 3!

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php[world] 2015 - 05. Conference Day 2

Posted on in programming, phpworld

So...even later still. I'm writing this on December 6—16 days after the fact. As such, this will be more brief than the brief summaries I wrote previously (Tutorial day and Day 1).

I went to the following talks on Conference Day 2:

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php[world] 2015 - 04. Conference Day 1

Posted on in phpworld, programming


I was going to try to get these done the day of or shortly after. It's now Friday night and I've fallen way behind. Oh well. It's because I was busy at the conference, thanks to the amazing folks at PHP Architect. And it means these will be shorter that I'd like.

So on the official Conference Day 1, I saw two keynotes and went to four talks:

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