php[world] 2015 - 05. Conference Day 2
Posted on in programming, phpworld php conference
So...even later still. I'm writing this on December 6—16 days after the fact. As such, this will be more brief than the brief summaries I wrote previously (Tutorial day and Day 1).
I went to the following talks on Conference Day 2:
Keynote: Growing Open Source Communities | video by Lorna Jane Mitchell. Lorna gave a moving talk. Basically she just talked about her progress within the open source world, specifically in PHP communities. The only one I remember specifically was her involvement in PHPWomen, which ended up with burnout. But through the support of the community and individuals in it, she came back. As I said in my comment on, it's furthered my consideration of starting a user group.
Debugging Effectively by Colin O'Dell. Colin covered the basics of debugging in PHP. Well, really, in general. It was a little basic for my needs, but a good talk, nonetheless.
Basic Intrusion Detection with Expose by Gregory Wilson. Gregory covered the basics of integrating Expose into a PHP project. Expose is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). It seems quite easy to use and very thorough. I'll probably be implementing it soonish.
Keynote: Laravel - Lessons Learned | video by Taylor Otwell. Taylor has seen a lot in the process of developing Laravel and the tools surrounding it. He shared some of that experience in dealing with naysayers and hecklers, as well as dealing with an ever-growing community.
Culture of Respect by Cal Evans. I imagine I'm going to say this many times in the future: Cal is AWESOME. And so was this talk, even if he did throw it together the night before. Cal covered the basics of his book by the same name. Which is how to find, recruit, hire, and retain great programmers. This should probably be mandatory for all managers/supervisors dealing with programmers. I hope to work with such a manager sometime in the future.
Caching on the Bleeding Edge by Samantha QuiƱones. Once again, Samantha was awesome, this time on an in-depth technical topic. Caching is something all programmers need to deal with, and this was a great introduction, as well as a preview of what's to come.
[Edit] I forgot to mention what happened the night of Day 2. First, the Drupal 8 release party happened, with cake. And the open source hack night happened. I may have worked on Sculpin. I don't remember.