php[world] 2015 - 06. Conference Day 3
Posted on in phpworld, programming php conference
Here I am finally summarizing my last day at php[world] 2015. It's only been 17 days since it happened. Given how often I've blogged in the past, I guess that's not too bad.
Anyway, on to the summaries for Conference Day 3!
The State of PHPUnit by Sebastian Bergmann. This was an interesting talk. Obviously, Sebastian knows PHPUnit. He gave a good talk on where it's history, where things stand now, and what's coming. It was all good info. As to what's coming, it mainly has to do with PHP 7: most errors are now
s, allowing PHPUnit to catch them; code coverage is built in; and code is executed much more quickly with less memory.Single-Page Apps with Drupal 8 by Chris Tankersley. Chris's talk was similar to Chuck's on day 1, but with a different backend. Both had used Angular. But Chris shoehorned Drupal into providing the backend API, rather than using Apigility. It was nice having some Drupal devs in the room to augment Chris's talk.
Keynote: PHP7 and Beyond: The Future of PHP | video by Anthony Ferrara. Anthony was a great speaker and touched on many of the things that other keynotes did this year: the community is what makes PHP what it is, and you should be a part of it. And he made the point that those of us there are the 1%—the 1% of developers that actually participate in the community. We participated and contributed by being at the conference. You can also participate by contributing code, among other things. I can't do the talk justice. So just watch it!
All in all the whole conference was great. I enjoyed the talks, the people, and the conversations. This may be the conference I go to again next year.